Looking up from the 103rd floor
Christmas display on the first floor
Carson "helping" me carry Hannah.
We had tickets to go to the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building. It was a good experience but a little overrated. I would never wait in the 3+ hour continuously looping que lines again-especially carrying Hannah in the snugglie. (That's right...no strollers allowed!) Just when you thought you were getting somewhere, you would go up 3 floors only to get out and wait in another huge line.
The interior was beautiful though. It had different colored marble and little tiles in bright colors that looked like jewels. When we finally made it to the top, the viewing area was so crowded you could barely squeeze to the front to see anything. Once we did, the view was breathtaking and windy!
Carson was more interested in playing with the pigeons perched on the viewing area. He was trying to feed them marshmallows-which they pecked at but never wanted to eat. A nasty pigeon landed on my back and I started wiggling and thrashing around like crazy to get the thing off. It wouldn't budge finally my brave Mom had to whack the thing off of me. I now hate pigeons. :)